Bodegas Ponce, La Xara 2023, Manchuela (økologisk)

100,00 DKK / flaske

TILBUD 85,00 DKK v/ 6 stk.

Vin beskrivelse

La Xara er produceret af 100% Garnacha fra over 50 år gamle vinstokke. Vinen spontangæres som helklaser i 4.500 l store træfade og lagres efterfølgende 7 måneder på en blanding af 600 og 10.000 liter store gamle egetræsfade. Vinen er tappet uden klaring eller filtrering. Kun 12.000 flasker produceret.

Model/Varenr.: 3476
Robert Parker 93 points
James Suckling 94 points
René Langdahl 92 points & "Kioskbaskeren"

James Suckling (94 points)
"This is so tangy, peppery and bright, with grilled grapefruit, white pepper and touches of botanicals, ginseng, tile and minerals. The palate is full of energy even without the support of high acidity. Instead, this is supple and really firm. Amazing value for the money, with superb drinkability. You could really down this easily, but that doesn’t mean it’s not serious. Enjoy now."

Robert Parkers Wine Advocate (93 points):
"Their pure Garnacha 2023 La Xara shows finesse and elegance and is fresh and Mediterranean. It matured in an 11,000-liter oak vat and 600-liter barrels. It has 13.5% alcohol,. None of their wines are fined, filtered or cold stabilized. It has a bright ruby color and a serious and complex nose beyond what the price might suggest. It has a combination of red and black fruit, Mediterranean herbs, a medium-bodied palate, with bones, freshness and juicy fruit. It's still very young and tender, but it will grow in bottle and gain in complexity."

René Langdahl (92 points & "Kioskbaskeren"):
"Juan Antonio Ponce bliver ved! En helt ny vin fra hans hænder og den er mindst lige så god som hans bobal-baserede rødvin Clos Lojen, bare med mindre bid og mere saftighed. Garnacha er vanskelig at gøre billig. Man risikerer nemt pjaskede eller overmanipulerede vine, men her er der saftighed til den store guldmedalje. Søde små skovbær vælter op fra glasset. Krydret med en tone af lavendel og enebær, rosenpeber og tør sydøstspansk jord. Smagen er farligt læskende, prikker endda af lillebitte kulsyre, men kun som løftestang for frugtighed. Frugtsødme, men skarpt balanceret med fornuftigt tanninbid. Stak den op i kælderen til vinternydelse."